GVRA- Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
Vision and Mission
Everything we do at the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) is about the people we serve. Our goal is to make Georgia the best state in the country for people with disabilities to live and work independently and with dignity.
GVRA Mission: Employment and independence for Georgians with disabilities.
GVRA Vision: Every Georgian with a disability can work and live independently.
Georgia CTI and GVRA work as partners to deliver programs and services empowering students with disabilities, providing them choices for their future and supporting them in living independent, fulfilling lives.
To learn more about the services GVRA offers, please visit https://gvs.georgia.gov/.

Georgia Department of Education/CTAE
The Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Division of the Georgia Department of Education is responsible for the career and leadership development of students in middle and high schools across the state. The CTAE department works with the eight Career, Technical Student Organizations to enrich the curriculum in the CTAE Pathways. Many of these organizations are state chapters of national organizations that, with the aid of multiple corporate sponsors, have succeeded in developing effective programs to instruct and challenge students.
Contact Information
Lynsey Singleton
CTSO Coordinator,
Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education
Phone: (404) 210-8810
Email: lsingleton@doe.k12.ga.us